Bug Tussle
There’s actually a town in Texas called Bug Tussle. I’ve been through it. I almost missed it because I blinked. … Continue reading Bug Tussle
There’s actually a town in Texas called Bug Tussle. I’ve been through it. I almost missed it because I blinked. … Continue reading Bug Tussle
I trotted out back to try out a new camera lens this evening because I thought I saw a Dragonfly … Continue reading One Bee, Two Bees, I See New Bees
I spent a few hours roaming our little refuge today, and I was delighted to find some native Butterflyweed, Asclepias … Continue reading Butterflyweed? Don’t Tell That to the Bees!
One bee,
Two bee,
I see new bee. Continue reading E D B D Bees
As far as I can tell, our little refuge is pretty much Bumblebee Heaven. As unkempt and as crowded as … Continue reading Bumblebee Heaven